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Ajutoare de stat: Comisia aprobă trei măsuri de sprijin pentru #RenewableEnergy în #Denmark




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The European Commission has approved under EU state aid rules three schemes to support electricity production from wind and solar in Denmark in 2018 and 2019: (i) a multi-technology tender scheme for onshore and offshore wind turbines and solar installations, with a budget of DKK 842 million (€112m). The beneficiaries of the aid will be selected through two tenders organized in 2018 and 2019, with the different technologies competing with each other; (ii) An aid scheme for onshore wind for test and demonstration projects outside the two national test centres for large wind turbines, with an expected budget of DKK 200m (€27m); and (iii) a transitional aid scheme for onshore wind, with a budget of DKK 40m (€5m). The aid for the three schemes will be granted for a period of 20 years from the time of the connection to the grid. The renewable support schemes are financed from the State budget. The Commission assessed all three schemes under EU State aid rules, in particular the Commission's Liniile directoare privind ajutorul de stat 2014 pentru Protecția Mediului și Energiei. It found that the three Danish schemes will encourage the development of offshore and onshore wind and solar technologies, in line with the requirements of the Guidelines. The full press release is available online in EN, FR, DE,

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