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Marea Britanie nu va cere o perioadă mai lungă de tranziție #Brexit - ministru




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Britain will not ask for an extension to the near-two year transition period with the European Union after Brexit when the government publishes its new detailed plans next month, Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington (foto) a declarat miercuri (16 mai), scrie Sarah Young.

The government said on Tuesday it would publish detailed plans for its future relationship with the European Union next month.

“Not only are we not asking for a longer transition period but the EU has always been very clear that you can’t use Article 50 to talk about the long-term future relationship,” Lidington told the BBC when asked about the White Paper.

“There is a withdrawal agreement that talks about a period up until the end of 2020, then what we will be seeking to have agreed in clear outline .... over the ensuing period is the big treaty that sets the terms of the future relationship.

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