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#RuleOfLaw preocupări în statele membre: modul în care UE poate acționa




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If the EU is concerned that countries such as Hungary and Poland are not respecting EU values, it has the possibility of triggering Article 7 of the Treaty of the EU.

Rule of law is a key principle in democratic states. Articolul 2 din Tratatul privind Uniunea Europeană menționează respectul pentru statul de drept ca fiind una dintre valorile pe care se întemeiază UE. O încălcare a valorilor UE justifică o reacție la nivelul UE și aceasta este procedura în temeiul Articolul 7 din Tratatul privind Uniunea Europeană își propune să obțină.


On 11 September, MEPs will discuss a proposal to the Council to trigger a procedure that seeks to prevent a serious breach of EU values in Hungary. The motion, supported by Parliament’s civil liberties committee in June, brings up a number of concerns about the functioning of the country’s institutions, including problems with the electoral system, independence of the judiciary and the respect for citizens’ rights and freedoms. Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán will take part in the plenary debate on Tuesday afternoon. .

MEPs will vote on the proposal on 12 September.

Procedura articolului 7

 Articolul 7 for protecting EU values was introduced by the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997. It includes two mechanisms: preventive measures, if there is a clear risk of a breach of EU values; and sanctions, if such a breach has already occurred. Possible sanctions against the EU country concerned are not clearly defined in the EU treaties, but might include suspending voting rights in the Council and the European Council.


For both mechanisms, the final decision needs to be taken by representatives of member states in the Council, but the thresholds to reach a decision are different. For the preventive mechanism, a decision in the Council requires a majority of four fifths of member states, whereas a determination on the existence of a breach requires unanimity among EU heads of state and government. The EU country concerned does not take part in either vote. Check out our infographic for all the details.

Rolul Parlamentului

Under Article 7, Parliament is one of the institutions that can initiate the preventive mechanism by calling on the Council to determine that there is a risk of a breach of EU values. The proposal concerning Hungary, which MEPs vote on 12 September, would be the first time that Parliament takes the initiative of recommending that the mechanism should be triggered.

To be adopted, the proposal needs to receive the support of an absolute majority of MEPs, namely 376, and two thirds of the MEPs who take part in the vote.

MEPs supported in March a similar Commission proposal that sought to activate the preventive mechanism in the case of Poland. In that case, Parliament backed the concerns of the Commission about the separation of powers, the independence of the judiciary and fundamental rights in the country.

MEPs urged EU governments to swiftly determine whether Poland was at risk of a serious breach of EU values and if so, to propose solutions. The Council held a hearing on the matter in June with Poland’s representatives explaining their position.

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