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Marea Britanie nu va obține un acord mai bun #Brexit, a declarat ministrul german conservatorilor




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The European Union and its member states will not be prepared to renegotiate the Brexit deal agreed between London and Brussels whoever the next British prime minister is, Germany’s Europe Minister Michael Roth (foto) a declarat marți (11 iunie), writes Andreas Rinke.

Roth said that the candidates vying to succeed Theresa May as leader of the Conservative Party and prime minister would do well to bear this in mind when making campaign pledges.

“The EU and its member states cannot be blackmailed,” Roth told Reuters. “I see no willingness to restart negotiations from the beginning. The candidates would do well to bear that in mind in the course of their internal party campaigns.”

Several candidates have promised to get more advantageous terms for Britain’s exit than May secured.

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