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Dezbaterea privind starea UE 2021: Cum să o urmăm




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The state of the EU debate, looking at work to date and plans for the future, takes place on 15 September in Strasbourg. Follow it live, afaceri europene .

Care este dezbaterea privind starea Uniunii Europene?

The State of the European Union debate takes place every September when the president of the European Commission comes to the European Parliament to discuss with MEPs what the Commission has done over the past year, what it intends to do in the coming year and its vision for the future.

This is an opportunity for Parliament, the EU’s only directly-elected institution, to hold the European Commission to account. Members will scrutinise the Commission’s work and make sure that the key concerns of Europeans are addressed.

De ce este importantă dezbaterea privind starea UE în 2021?

The priorities that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented during last year’s Statul Uniunii Europene debate are still relevant: the EU continues its efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic and move towards social and economic recovery, while staying true to its flagship programmes, such as the Acord verde european si Strategia digitală.

What is the best way to follow it?


Dezbaterea va fi transmisă în direct online pe the Parliament's website on Wednesday 15 September from 9h CET. Interpretation will be available in all 24 official EU languages - simply select the language of your choice. The Parliament together with the Commission will also stream the debate on Facebook.

You can also join the discussion on our other social media channels, including Twitter, LinkedIn și Instagram. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #SOTEU.

Find photos and videos of the event in Centrul multimedia al Parlamentului.

Discover what MEPs say about the state of the European Union on their social media channels on Parliament's Newshub.

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