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#Brexit - Muncitorii discută momentul depunerii votului de încredere cu parlamentarii conservatori




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Britain’s opposition Labour Party will call a no confidence vote in the government when it believes members of the ruling Conservatives will support it, the party’s trade spokesman Barry Gardiner (foto) a spus duminică (7 iulie), scrie Kylie MacLellan.

Boris Johnson, the frontrunner to become prime minister this month, has said Britain must leave the European Union on 31 October with or without a deal. Several Conservative lawmakers have said they would consider voting to try to bring down a government which was pursuing a no-deal Brexit.

"Vom numi un vot de neîncredere atunci când credem că acei membri conservatori ai parlamentului care au declarat că vor susține o moțiune de cenzură în guvern pentru a opri o afacere nu vor susține acest lucru", a declarat Gardiner pentru Sky News.

Conservative lawmaker Sam Gyimah, who ran for the party’s leadership but withdrew before voting began, told Sky News that voting against the government was the “nuclear option” and he did not intend to do so but he knew others were considering it.

The Conservatives do not have a majority in parliament and rely on support from Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). Outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal was rejected three times by parliament due to rebellions within her own party and opposition from the DUP.

Gyimah, care susține desfășurarea unui al doilea referendum asupra lui Brexit, a declarat că există 30 sau mai mulți parlamentari conservatori care ar sprijini "opțiunile legislative" pentru a încerca să blocheze un Brexit care nu are legătură.

They would seek to stop the new prime minister trying to shut down parliament in order to deliver a no-deal Brexit against the will of lawmakers, he said, as well as looking to “create options ... so that no deal isn’t the only option we face on 31 October”.


"Există o serie de mecanisme legislative care sunt examinate în acest moment", a spus el, adăugând că acestea vor fi "sensibile și pragmatice".

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