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Declarații ale președintelui Comisiei von der Leyen și înaltului reprezentant Borrell cu privire la situația din #Iraq și #Iran, Orientul Mijlociu mai larg și #Libya




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On 8 January, the Commission College met to discuss the situation stemming from the tensions in Iraq, Iran, the wider Middle East as well as Libya. President von der Leyen and High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell (foto) issued statements after the meeting.

President von der Leyen said: “The current crisis deeply affects not only the region but all of us. And the use of weapons must stop now to give space to dialogue. We are called upon to do everything possible to rekindle talks. There cannot be enough of that. The European Union in its own way has a lot to offer. We have established and time tested relations with many actors in the region and beyond to de-escalate the situation.”

High Representative/Vice President Borrell said: “The developments in Iran and Iraq and the whole region are extremely worrying. The latest rocket attacks on air bases in Iraq used by the US and the coalition forces are yet another example of escalation and increased confrontation – it is in no one's interest to turn up the spiral of violence even further.”

The full statements of the President și of the High Representative/Vice President sunt disponibile on-line. 

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