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#MarkZuckerberg va fi la Parlamentul European la 22 mai pentru a se întâlni cu președintele Tajani și cu președinții grupurilor politice




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Today (22 May) at 18h, the founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg (foto), will arrive at the European Parliament for meetings with President Antonio Tajani and the political group chairpersons.

He will attend the Conference of Presidents of the Political Groups of the European Parliament. The meeting, which will begin at around 18h20, will include the participation of the President and Rapporteur of the Parliamentary Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

Exceptionally, and for the first time, the Conference of Presidents will be transmitted live and be available via streaming.

On the eve of the meeting, President Tajani said: "I consider it very positive that the founder of Facebook has accepted our invitation to come in person to meet the representatives of 500 million Europeans. It is a sign of respect for the legislator of the world’s largest market. I also appreciated that he has accepted my request that the meeting be directly open to all citizens.”

At 19h30 President Tajani will hold a press conference in the press room of the European Parliament.

A media advisory with all technical details regarding the meetings will be published later this morning.


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