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Deputații europeni votează revizuirea regulilor #EURoadTransport în iulie




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MEPs have decided to vote on the proposals for drivers’ rest periods, posting of drivers and rules to tackle illegal practices in road transport in the July plenary session.

MEPs will hold a full debate and vote on proposals on the application of posting of workers’ rules to the road transport sector, improving rest conditions and to improve enforcement to tackle illegal practices, such as the use of letterbox companies, in the July plenary session.

The Transport Committee adopted its position on the three proposals, as well as the decision to start negotiations with the Council based on these reports, on Monday 4 June.

MEPs did not back the committee decision to start negotiations with the Council and voted to hold further discussions and a vote on the laws in the July plenary session.

More information on the reports adopted by the European Parliament Transport Committee aici.


The three proposals on posting of drivers, drivers’ rest periods and access to the occupation of road transport operator and road haulage market to tackle illegal practices, such as the use of letterbox companies, are part of the Pachetul de mobilitate tabled by the Commission in May 2017.

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