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Un angajament mai puternic al UE pentru o Arctică mai verde, pașnică și prosperă




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The High Representative and the Commission have put forward their approach for a stronger EU engagement for a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous Arctic. The Arctic region is of key strategic importance for the European Union, in view of climate change, raw materials as well as geostrategic influence. The Comunicare responds to these geopolitical, environmental, economic, security and social challenges and opportunities. It seeks to forster cooperation with partners on sustainable approaches to overcome them.

The EU will establish a European Commission office in Greenland, which will raise the profile of Arctic matters in the EU’s external relations. EU funding will also be directed towards driving the green transition in the Arctic, for the benefit of Arctic populations.

Înainte de Conferința ONU privind schimbările climatice (COP26) and in support of global climate action, the Communication calls for oil, coal and gas to remain in the ground.

Consultați și comunicatul de presă, intrebari si raspunsuri si Fișa on a stronger EU engagement for a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous Arctic.

Follow the press conference by Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius on EbS.

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