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Acordul UE-Norvegia „cel mai slab rezultat pentru stocurile de pește din ultimii zece ani” - #OurFish




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Our Fish is aghast at the decision by the EU and Norway to continue overfishing in the North Sea and Atlantic waters [1]. Of sixteen shared TACs (Total Allowable Catches) that were agreed, only two follow the scientific advice, and overall, the agreement represents the worst outcome for shared fish stocks in ten years.

“It is no surprise that decisions taken behind closed doors, with industry present, lack both  vision and accountability. The decision by the EU and Norway to continue overfishing is consistent with the cave-dweller approach that has blinkered European fisheries management for too long,” said Our Fish Programme Director Rebecca Hubbard.

“The short-sightedness of this decision is magnified by last week’s climate COP in Katowice. The ocean is the origin of all life on earth, it is our largest carbon sink, yet it has been over-exploited for decades, jeopardizing the whole ecosystem. Overfishing is the most destructive influence on the ocean that we have immediate control over. Yet EU member states act as though they are oblivious to this connection, and are determined to blinker their vision by continuing to pander to a few short-term industry interests. It is a pathetic outcome.

“EU ministers have again refused to implement the ban on discarding at sea, and failed to put in place a monitoring system that ensures illegal and unreported, discarding stops and the limits are followed,” concluded Hubbard.

  • Only two of sixteen TACs were set in line with scientific advice;

  • five of sixteen TACs are set above scientific advice considering exemptions from the landing obligation (discard ban), and;

  • Nine of sixteen TACs were set at least 25% above scientific advice.


[1] Agreed Record of Fisheries Consultations between Norway and the EU for 2019; Agreed Record of Conclusions of Fisheries Consultations between Norway and the European Union on the regulation of fisheries in Skaggerak and Kattegat for 2019

Civil society organisations had been refused entry to the annual meeting at Norway’s Fiskeridirektoratet (Fisheries Directorate) in Bergen - see video here, which was attended by the European Commission, government and fishing industry representatives from a number of EU member states, and Norway. The Our Fish campaign, in partnership with local brass band Kleppe Musikklag - who played tunes such as Europe’s The Final Countdown, and Norwegian-based street artist Sedin Zunic of Sea Invaders - who created his 2x2 artwork on a nearby building, gathered outside the meeting as it opened on November 26th, to remind delegates of their commitments to end overfishing by 2020, and to call for greater transparency during fisheries negotiations [3]. Officials arriving in Bergen airport had already been welcomed by startling images from the Fishlove campaign (pictured) calling for an end to overfishing and greater transparency.

Photographs from Bergen available here. Video is available here - contact [e-mail protejat] pentru mai multe detalii.

Despre peștele nostru

Pescuitul nostru face ca statele membre ale UE să implementeze politica comună în domeniul pescuitului și să obțină stocuri durabile de pește în apele europene.

Peștele nostru lucrează cu organizații și indivizi din întreaga Europă pentru a transmite un mesaj puternic și neclintit: pescuitul excesiv trebuie stopat și soluțiile puse în aplicare pentru a asigura că apele Europei sunt pescuite în mod durabil. Peștele nostru cere ca politica comună în domeniul pescuitului să fie pusă în aplicare în mod corespunzător, iar pescuitul european să fie guvernat în mod eficace.

Peștele nostru solicită tuturor statelor membre ale UE să stabilească limite de pescuit anuale la limite durabile bazate pe consultanță științifică și să se asigure că flotele lor de pescuit dovedesc că pescuiesc în mod durabil prin monitorizarea și documentarea completă a capturilor lor.

Follow Our Fish on Twitter - @our_fish

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